Béatrice Didier, a professor at Paris 8 University, which she contributed to create, then at the École Normale Supérieure where she ran the Literature and Languages Department, is the author of L’écriture-femme and published a Dictionnaire universel des littératures at PUF. She is specialised in 18th and 19th century French literature (Stendhal as an autobiographer; and George Sand as a writer). She is in charge of the publication of the complete works of George Sand (H. Champion).


Antoinette Fouque cofounded the French Women’s Liberation Movement (MLF) in 1968. A psychoanalyst, a theoretician of the difference between the sexes, she founded the “Psychoanalysis and Politics” research group  within the MLF in 1968, the Institute of Feminology in 1978, the Des femmes publishing house  in 1973, several newspapers and various NGOs including the Women’s Alliance for Democracy. A research director in political sciences at Paris 8 University, she was a Member of the European Parliament from 1994 to 1999. She is notably the author of three feminology essays, including Il y a deux sexes (Gallimard, trans. There Are Two Sexes by David Macey and Catherine Porter, Columbia University Press).


Mireille CALLE-GRUBBER is a writer and a literature professor at the Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 University where she is the head of the Research Center for Women’s and Gender Studies and Francophone Literature, after having steered a research program on women’s studies in Canada and having headed the Center for Women’s Studies of Paris 8 University. Her work focuses on literature, the arts and philosophy. She is notably the author of Histoire de la littérature française du XXe siècle and published La différence sexuelle en tous genres (collective issue of Littérature, 2006).





ALAZET, BERNARD Twentieth and twenty-first French literature.

Senior lecturer in 20th and 21st century French literature at the Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 university.

ANDERSSON, Kajsa – Nordic literature (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Greenland).

Honorary senior lecturer in French language and literature at Örebro University (Sweden).

ANVAR-CHENDEROFF, Leili – Iranian and Eurasian literature.

Senior lecturer at the INALCO ([National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilisations], Persian language and literature.)

BALCAZAR-MORENO, Melina – Latin American literature.

Doctor in French literature (Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 university).Translator and essayist.

BAUMGARDT, Ursula – African language literature.

Professor at the INALCO (oral and written literature of African languages).

BERGÉ, Aline – Twentieth and twenty-first century French literature; francophonie (Benelux, Switzerland, West-Indies).

Senior lecturer in 20th century French literature at the Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 university.

BERNADAC, Marie-Laure – Painting, sculpture, photography, video, digital art.

Honorary general curator. Project manager for contemporary art at the Louvre museum.

BERNARD, Antonia – Slovenian literature.

Senior lecturer at the INALCO (Slovenian language and culture).

BERNARDO-ALVES, Fernanda – Portuguese literature.

Philosophy professor at the University of Coimbra.

BOUGUERRA, Mohamed Ridha – North African literature.

French literature professor at the University of Carthage (Tunisia).

BOUSTANI, Carmen – Near Eastern literature (Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt).

French language and literature professor at the Lebanese University (Beirut).

BOYE, Anne – Mathematics.

Doctor in history of mathematics, University of Nantes.

BRELET, Claudine – Traditional medicine.

Anthropologist, former WHO member (Health Information and Education division).

CAMEL, Olga – Ukrainian literature.

Professor at the INALCO (Ukrainian language and literature).

CAZENAVE, Odile – Sub-Saharan African and South African literature.

French language professor at Boston University (United States). Specialist in contemporary francophone African literature.

CHALVIN, Antoine – Estonian literature.

Senior lecturer at the INALCO (Estonian language, literature and civilisation).

CHATELET, Anne-Marie – Architecture, urbanism, landscape.

Professor of architectural history and culture at the École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Strasbourg.

CHENU, Alain – Sociology.

University professor at the Paris Institute of Political Studies. Director of the Observatory of Social Change and the Centre of Socio-Political Data at the CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research).

CHRISTOUT, Marie-Françoise – Dance, choreography.

State Doctor of Letters, honorary curator at the BNF ([French National Library], department of performing arts.)

COHEN, Esther – Latin American literature.

Professor at the Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas à l’UNAM (Universidad nacional autónoma de México), specialist in literary criticism.

COLLET, Isabelle – Computer science.

Computer scientist, doctor of learning sciences, associate researcher at the university of Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Défense.

CORVIN, Michel – Theatre.

Honorary professor at the Department of Theatre Studies at the Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 university.

CSERGO, Julia – Gastronomy.

Professor at the Université du Québec à Montréal, lecturer at Lyon 2 university. Social and cultural practices historian, food specialist.

CUMPS, Dorian – Dutch literature.

Senior lecturer in modern and contemporary Dutch literature at Paris-Sorbonne university.

CUROVIC, Kika – Bosnian and Croatian literature.

Journalist and southeast Europe specialist for RFI and Courrier international.

DADOUN, Roger – Interdisciplinarity.

Philosopher, psychoanalyst. Professor emeritus at Paris-Diderot University.

DELACROIX, Marie Russian literature.

Specialist in Russian (agrégation holder), teacher at Stendahl-Grenoble 3 university.

DELAPERRIERE, Maria Polish literature.

Professor emeritus of Polish literature at the INALCO.

DENISSI, Sophia – Greek and Cypriot literature.

Professor of literature history and criticism at the Athens School of Fine Arts (Greece).

DHAVERNAS, Catherine – Canadian anglophone literature.

Professor of 20th century French literature at Queen’s University (Canada).

DURRY, Jean – Sports.

Olympics historian. Founder of the Musée national du sport. International Olympic Academy member.

ECOFFET, Carole – Physics, chemistry, geophysics.

Head of research at the CNRS and at the Mulhouse Institute for Materials Science.

EGLER, Zelda – Fashion and couture.

Fashion historian, teacher at the École du Louvre (Paris).

ERLINGSDOTTIR, Irma – Icelandic literature.

Professor and director of the Centre for Gender Research at the University of Iceland.

ERNOT, Isabelle – History.

Doctor in contemporary history at Paris-Diderot University.

GALLAND, Xavier – Thai literature.

Professor of French language and civilisation at Bangkok Kasetsart University (Thailand).

GAUVIN, Lise – Quebec and French Canadian literature.

Professor emeritus in literature at the University of Montreal (Canada). Author.

GERMAIN-DAVID, Pierrette – Classical music.

Musicologist, certified professor and producer at Radio-France. Vice-chairwoman of the Femmes et musique association.

GILL, Roshan – Pakistani literature.

Linguist and translator. INALCO graduate in Indo-Pakistani literature.

GLOWCZEWSKI, Barbara – Anthropology.

Anthropologist, research director at the Collège de France and at the CNRS.

GRUBER, Eberhard – Philosophy.

Philosopher, research associate at the Centre for Research in Women’s Studies and Gender at the Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 university.

GUIBERT, Noëlle – Theatre.

Honorary curator at the BNF, former director of performing arts department.

HAKEM, Halkawt – Kurdish literature.

University professor at the INALCO (Kurdish language, literature and religion.)

ITZHAKI, Masha – Ancient and modern literature in Hebrew languages.

Professor at the INALCO (Hebrew language and literature).

JACOB, Pascal – Circus.

Artistic director at the cirque Phénix and at the Festival Mondial du cirque de demain. Creative director for the Franco Dragone Entertainment Group. Professor of circus history. Author.

JOIN-DIÉTERLE, Catherine – Fashion, couture.

Former director of the Galleria Museum and general curator, professor at the École du Louvre, creator of the fashion and costume chair.

JULLIEN, Dominique – Nineteenth century French literature.

Professor of French and comparative literature at the University of California, Santa Barbara (United States).

KOECHLIN, Stéphane – Jazz, blues, rock, folk.

Author. Music critic and columnist and jazz specialist.

KOVACS, Ilona – Hungarian literature.

Senior lecturer in French and Hungarian literature at the University of Szeged (Hungary). Translator.

KRIEF, Huguette – Eighteenth century French literature.

Senior lecturer in 18th century literature at the university of Provence Aix-Marseille 1. President of the Aix Centre for 18th century Studies and Research (CAER 18).

LE BLANC, Claudine – Indian literature.

Senior lecturer in comparative literature (Indian literature) at the Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 university.

LE BRAS-CHOPARD, Armelle – Law and politics.

Professor of political sciences at the university of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. Deputy mayor of Guyancourt.

LECOMTE-TILOUINE, Marie – Nepalese literature.

Research director at the Centre for Himalayan Studies (CNRS).

LEGRAND, Thierry – Religions, mysticism.

Senior lecturer in religion history at the Faculty of Protestant Theology at the University of Strasbourg.

LEMAY, Diana – Czech and Slovakian literature.

Senior lecturer at the INALCO (Slovakian language and literature).

LEMOINE, Mathilde – Economy.

Economist. Professor at the Political Sciences Institute of Paris. Director of the economic studies and market strategies of an international bank.

LESIMPLE, Philippe – Defence and armed forces.

Brigadier general, land forces.

LÉVY-SOUSSAN, Claude – Design.

Former general director of Mobilier International and CEO of Castelli France. Founder of the Agora gallery and scholarship for young designers.

LUO, Tian – Chinese literature.

Senior lecturer at Peking University (China). Deputy director of the department of French language and literature.

LUQUIN, Elisabeth – Philippine and Tibetan literature.

Anthropologist, lecturer at the INALCO (Filipino language and literature).

MARASHI, Ardian – Albanian and Kosovan literature.

Translator, senior lecturer at the INALCO (Albanian literature and civilisation).

MARTIN, Daniel – Sixteenth century French literature.

Senior lecturer in French Renaissance literature at the university of Provence Aix-Marseille 1.

MATHIEN, Michel – Media, journalism, advertising.

Professor in information and communication sciences at the University of Strasbourg. Holder of the “Journalism and media practices, between globalisation and cultural diversity” UNESCO chair.

MATHON, Aude – Entrepreneur.

HEC Paris graduate.

MAURUS, Patrick – Korean literature.

Professor at the INALCO (Korean language and literature).

MAYMARD, Marika – Circus.

Tightrope school founder and editor-in-chief of Le Cirque dans l’univers magazine from 1990 to 1999.

MEADEL, Cécile – Media, journalism, advertising.

Professor at the Centre for Sociology and Innovation at the Paris École des mines.

MOUCHARD, Christel – Adventurers, explorers.

Editor, expert author on the history of women adventurers.

MUHIDINE, Timour – Turkish literature.

Author and translator. Teacher at the INALCO (Turkish language and literature).

NAPPI, Marella – Greek and Roman antiquity literature.

Doctor in ancient history (university of Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Défense).

NUT, Hélène Suppya – Cambodian literature.

Lecturer at the INALCO and at the University of Cologne (Cambodian literature, lexicology and performing arts).

OGAWA, Midori – Japanese literature.

Senior lecturer in French literature at the University of Tsukuba (Japan).

OUVRY-VIAL, Brigitte – Books, publishing.

University professor (literature and 20th century history of books, University of Le Mans).

PAUPERT, Anne – French medieval literature.

Senior lecturer in medieval French language and literature at Paris-Diderot University.

PEJOSKA-BOUCHEREAU, Frosa – Macedonian and East-Central European literature.

Senior lecturer at the INALCO (Macedonian studies). Deputy director at Centre for Balkan Studies, vice-chairwoman of the CNU (Slavonic studies).

PESSIS, Jacques – French chanson.

Journalist, author, screenwriter, actor and filmmaker.

PHAN THANH-THUY, Paulette – Vietnamese literature.

Senior lecturer in East Asian languages and civilisations at Paris-Diderot University.

POMPEJANO, Valeria – Italian literature.

Professor of French literature and director of the Centre for Italian-French Studies at Roma Tre University (Italy).

POUJOL, Catherine – Eurasian literature.

Professor at the INALCO (Central Asian history and civilisation).

PRAVONGVIENGKHAM, Khamphanh – Laotian literature.

Teacher and researcher at the INALCO (Laotian language and literature).

PRÉVOT, Marina – Vietnamese literature.

Senior lecturer, in charge of the Vietnamese studies section at the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilisations (LCAO) at Paris-Diderot University. Translator.

PRSTOJEVIC, Alexandre – Montenegrin and Serbian literature.

Senior lecturer at the INALCO (literature from former Yugoslavia).

PUMAIN, Denise – Geography.

Professor at the university of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, member of the Institut universitaire de France. Founder of European geography magazine Cybergeo and co-director of L’Espace géographique magazine.

QUILLIEN, Christophe – Comic books.

Journalist, author and 9th art specialist.

REMY, Michel – Literature from Ireland and Great-Britain.

Professor emeritus in English literature at the university of Nice.

REQUEMORA-GROS Sylvie – Seventeenth century French literature.

Senior lecturer in classic century French literature at the university of Provence Aix-Marseille 1.

RISTERUCCI, Pascale – Cinema.

Filmmaker and senior lecturer in cinema at Paris 8 University.

ROLLET, Brigitte – Cinema.

Researcher at the CHCSC (Centre for Cultural History and Contemporary Societies) at the university of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, specialist in gender relations in the cultural field.

Teaches at the Paris Institute of Political Studies.

ROMAN, Andreia – Romanian literature.

Senior lecturer at the INALCO (Romanian language and literature).

RUSSO, Adélaïde – American literature.

Professor at the Department of French Studies and Comparative Literature at Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, United States).

SANTA, Angels – Spanish literature.

Professor of French philology at the University of Lleida (Spain).

SCHNEIDER, Jean – Astrophysics.

Astrophysicist at the Paris Observatory. Emeritus research director at the CNRS (laboratory of the universe and its theories).

SEPTFONDS, Daniel – Afghan literature.

Professor emeritus at the INALCO: Pashto and linguistic typology (Iranian languages in Afghanistan and Pakistan).

SERROU, Bruno – Classical music.

Author. Music critic, contemporary creation and opera specialist.

SHWE-DEMARIA, Sabai – Burmese literature.

Lecturer at the INALCO (modern Burmese literature).

SOLTE-GRESSER, Christiane – German, Austrian and German-speaking literature.

Professor of general and comparative literature at Saarland University (Germany).

STOUDMANN, Elisabeth – World music.

Journalist and music critic.

SULTAN, Yvette – Medicine-Biology.

University professor. Haematologist, former head of the haematology department at the hôpital Cochin in Paris.

TALAGRAND, Chantal – Psychoanalysis.

Psychoanalyst. Member of the International Society for the History of Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis.

TER MINASSIAN, Anahide – Armenian literature.

Honorary senior lecturer at the university of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Taught Armenian political and cultural history at the EHESS (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales).

THÉBAUD, Françoise – History.

Professor emeritus of contemporary history at the university of Avignon et des pays de Vaucluse, associate researcher at the Institute of Gender Studies at the University of Geneva.

TONNET, Henri – Greek and Cypriot literature.

Professor emeritus at the Paris-Sorbonne university. Former director of the Sorbonne Neohellenic Institute.

TRIPIER, Maryse – Sociology.

Sociologist. Professor emeritus at Paris-Diderot University.

VERJANS, Thomas – Language sciences.

Senior lecturer in language sciences at the University of Burgundy.

VILLIEN, Bruno – Theatre.

Author and journalist.

VRINAT-NIKOLOV, Marie – Bulgarian literature.

Literary translator, professor at the INALCO (Bulgarian language and literature).

ZABUS, Chantal – New Zealand and Australian literature.

Professor of Anglo-Saxon literature (postcolonial, comparative and gender studies) at the university of Paris Nord 13. Senior member at the Institut universitaire de France.

ZAINI-LAJOUBERT, Monique – Malaysian and Indonesian literature.

Lecturer in Malaysian language and literature at the INALCO. Former head of research at the South East Asian Centre (CNRS).

ZWILLING, Anne-Laure – Religions, mysticism.

Research engineer at the CNRS. In charge of research projects on religion social sciences.